Why Coaching?

You've worked hard to find your passion, and now you're ready to turn your passion into profit. You've already learned new skills and started building a name for yourself and are looking to build on your reputation for helping people by building a profitable business so you can continue to help them well into the future.

Building a business means you're going to encounter tons of questions, advice, online charlatans, and obstacles along the way. When you hire me as a business coach, what you're really doing is hiring a personalized guide that will sheppard you through all the twists and turns that get in your way from growing your fans to getting out of your own head.

Why Now?

The sooner you get started strategically building your business, the sooner you can relax, knowing that you can take care of yourself and your family without the stress of wondering where "all this is going".

Building strategically from the beginning means that you miss out on all the headaches that come with following good advice that just doesn't apply to you, going after the wrong customers in the wrong way, hiring assistants that only assist in giving you more heartburn, and the list goes on and on.

Just think about where you can be in a year with a personal business guide that doesn't rely on cookie-cutter advice or made-for-Instagram truisms.

I only take on three private clients at a time...max, and now's your chance to work with me before I fill up my slots.

Not Your Typical Coach

I don't have a business degree, or a marketing degree, or even a degree in some obscure discipline like English or underwater basket weaving like most online coaches. I'm an engineer. Specifically, I'm an engineer that designs and builds businesses and I have a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from South Dakota Mines.

I've worked with the Red Cross, UPS, Timberline Roofing (GAF), and was the youngest consulting hire ever at the largest consulting firm for small-to-medium-sized manufacturing and tech companies. Throughout my career, I've learned a thing or two about a thing or two, mostly what makes successful businesses successful, and what makes a business tread water for years without ever going anywhere.

I've been invited to speak and teach workshops for the U.S. Department of Commerce, FastTrak for Business, ExportTech, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, The city of New York, tech accelerators, and many more.

Throughout my 20 year career, I've developed and tested a framework for moving any business towards profit without chaos.

...because building a business is not magic, it's math.

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your 3-1-1 Policy?

I ask all my coaching clients to commit to three months of coaching before switching to a month-to-month basis. We want you to get the absolute most out of coaching which means trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone. Three months is long enough to see if our coaching is the best fit for you. Upon purchasing, you'll get more instructions on filling out an accountability worksheet so I know exactly how to work with you if something isn't working, and you know how to approach me for the same.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.